BCBF 2016


artichoke themed postcards I prepared for the 2016 Fair

So. I've just come back to the 2016 Bologna Children's Book Fair - and it was awesome.

The fair is every year a very immersive experience in the illustrated and visual world: there are tons of book to observe, study, get captivated; awesome works by other illustrator displayed in interesting exhibitions, chances to see live some of the works that made the history of illustration - and on top of that, meeting and getting to know new people, starting new friendships over long queues for a portfolio review, meeting old ones, attending conferences, absorbing all the feedbacks and inputs you can possibly collect. 

It's a very intensive, emotional adventure to embark in, as the feeling that there won't be enough time is always there: something I have realized over time though, is that sometimes it's also good to just go with the flow and let serendipity do part of the job.

The 2016 BCBF has been a very good one for me: after some years you start figuring out how to move around and also how you can make your priorities match with the unfolding calendar of events, meeting, portfolio reviews etc etc...

Many things got my attention, and I'll try to share a few details that stole my heart here, for you
1- L'oiseau D'or, Solenne & Thomas, Gautier - Launguereau (2015) 2- Aspeen and the Emperor's new clothes, Ju Tzu, Yes Creative Agency (2015) 3- Beastly Verse, JooHee Yoon (2015) 4- La Chose, Astrid Desbordes + Marc Boutavant, Nathan (2015) 5- 1,2,3... (looking for the actual title as it was a chinese edition) 6- Philip Giordano for Milan 7- Amazed, Aleksandra Artymowska (Poland), 2016 Silent Book Contest 8- One Previous Owner, Carly Gledhill (UK), 2016 Silent Book Contest 9- Big Bug Log, Sebastien Braun, Nosy Crow (2016) 10- Il Regno delle Api, Piotr Socha, Electa Kids (2016) 11- L'Art à Table, Benjamin Chaud, Helium (2016) 12El inesperado viaje de mamut y pinguino,Antonio Vincente, Edelvives (2013)

Of course there were many more things that caught my eye, got me curious and inspired me.
It's been a intense, input-packed edition for me. Now what's left is a bunch of addresses to line up, a whole lot of notes to deciphrate and new budding ideas to start cultivating and growing.
Waiting for the next one...

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