zic zac! fsssh fshhh plic!


Tra le cose che mi appassionano ultimamente, c'è la creatività attraverso ago e filo. Questa è un'anteprima del turbinio di feltro, stoffine, fili e forbicette che popolano la mia scrivania :-)

Something I've been really into lately, is the "sewing art" world. It really challenges my skills to make a 3D character out of plain sketches, it amuses me and it's also, somehow, a relaxing activity. This is a preview of all the mess that is crowding my desk during the creation process :-)

PS: Indovina cosa? (è un indovinello facile, però... cosa stavo cucendo, secondo voi, quando ho scattato questa foto?) 
PS: Guess what? (this is a easy guess... anyway... what do you think I was stitching in this picture?)

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